I help you master intuition, neuroscience, and laws of the Universe to unf*ck your life and access your soul’s greatest potential


We are ALL so unique. The fact that we are here on Earth is a fucking miracle. We have a better chance of winning the lottery than we do getting to come to Earth in a human body. We have a divine reason for being here and I am here to help you access and see all the potential you hold and how worthy of feeling good you truly are.

As an intuitive energetic healer, I encourage you to tune into a more expanded way of thinking and living. That is when you can take control and responsibility of what is happening in your life, and therefore align yourself with the life that you desire.

My goal is to help you master intuition, energetics, laws of the universe, and neuroscience to unf*ck your life and access your soul’s greatest potential. I’ve been a medium as long as I can remember and around 19 years old began my journey of honing in and mastering my intuitive skill sets, not just to be able to channel souls who have crossed over, but be able to read energy, souls both here and on the other side, higher self, and Source energy.

I’ve heavily trained my intuition to be incredibly accurate in seeing where a soul is, where it wants to go, and helping it get there. Along with intuition training I’ve trained in neuroscience to reprogram the brain and subconscious to aid in getting the life your soul desires. I used this method to heal myself of multiple traumas experienced at a young age, shattered self image, asthma, eating disorders, and extreme anxiety. I also used that to help others heal chronic illness, trauma, shattered self image, and really just about anything you can think of!

Alongside healing, I’ve developed proven tools to use your intuition and energetic work to create the physical reality you desire by embodying a full understanding of universal laws. I am insanely rooted to the fact that everyone can learn to develop their intuition and become their own healer and creator with the right tools. I’m here to show you how, support you, and see you THRIVE.

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How you might be feeling now … and how you’ll feel AFTER we collaborate



Frustrated with body ailments like skin irritation, thyroid/ hormone issues, pain

Empowered from learning the ROOT cause to heal the ailment + keep it gone

Free of medication, in control of your own mind + body, and truly at peace

Anxious, depressed, and struggling mentally + emotionally

Stuck and frustrated, unable to create change no matter how hard you try

Happier + relieved with a clear blueprint for internal and external change

Confident as f*ck! In love with all of you, and eager to shine your light

Self-conscious of your body, lacking in self-love, and stuck in comparison

Fully educated on how the universe actually works (in a scientific way)

Confused and untrusting of the spiritual world and how it got you where you are

People in our world get results like this…

And this …

AND this …



Team Allie would love to hear from you! Send any questions to info@allieninfo.com

8am–5pm CT